

Image Map Function Python map() function is used to apply a function on all elements of a specified iterable and return map object. Python map object is used as an iterator, so we can iterate over its elements. We can also convert map object to sequence objects such as list, tuple, etc. using their factory function. Syntax: map(function,iterable,....) We can pass multiply iterable arguments to map() function, in that case, the specified function must have that many arguments. This function will be applied to these iterable elements in parallel. With multiple iterable arguments, the map iterable stops when the shortest iterable is exhausted.  Ex: def addition(n):      return n + n numbers = ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ) result = map (addition, numbers) print ( list (result)) Output: [2,4,6,8]     

Database & SQL

Image Database Management System & SQL Blog A  Database  is a shared collection of logically related data and description of these data, designed to meet the information needs of an organization A  Database Management System  is a software system that enables users to define, create, maintain, and control access to the database. Database Systems typically have high cost and they require high-end hardware configurations. Data is stored in flat files and can be accessed using any programming language. The file-based approach suffers the following problems: The dependency of a program on the physical structure of data The complex process to retrieve data Loss of data on concurrent access Inability to give access based on record (Security) Data redundancy Arithmetic Operators Operator Symbol Usage Result Addition + 15 + 5 20 Subtraction - 15 - 5 10 Multiplication * 15 * 5 75 Division / 15 / 5 3 Comparison Operators Operator Symbol Usage Result Equal to = 15 = 5 fal

JavaScript For Beginners

Image                                                                                             Javascript Blog JavaScript is the most used language in web development. It is a versatile language, easy to start with, and popular. As a result, you can: build all types of applications. For instance, mobile, smartwatch, and web applications. start coding in JavaScript by only using your browser. quickly and easily find any type of tutorials.   Versatility One of the most powerful features of JavaScript is its versatility. With JavaScript, you can go beyond web applications. If you want to build servers, you can do so. If you're going to develop games, you can do that too. You get the idea. Moreover, you can build an application from start to finish by only using one programming language. JavaScript allows you to create the Backend and Frontend to develop complete applications. Therefore, by picking this language, you do not limit yourself to only one area. Fo

Why should I learn python as a beginner.

Image Why, python? Topic- Python for beginners Python is  not   just a language but a  ecosystem   in which almost everything is there. May it be  Desktops Apps, Web Apps, NLP, Automation, Server Admin, Gaming or Robotics. Python is one of the most loved programming languages by developers, data scientists, software engineers, and even hackers because of its versatility, flexibility, and object-oriented features.  Although it’s a high-level language and can do complex tasks, Python is easy to learn and has a clean syntax. Therefore, its recommendable for both beginners and experienced programmers. Top 7 uses of python  There are many reasons why you should learn Python. And to understand deeper its scope and benefits, here are the  Top 7 uses of Python . 1. Multiple Programming Paradigms 2. Web Testing 3. Data Extraction 4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science Researches 5. Web Application and Internet Development 6. Database Easy Access, Interface Customiza